Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This blog won't create action....

I have been reading a book by Clay Shirky.  I chose the book because it was recommended by blogger whose opinion I value and I have found it wonderfully insightful on the ideas of social media and new technologies.  I am officially 158 pages into it and read the first thing I thought you all should here.  Are you ready??  Here it is.....

"Social tools don't create collective action - they merely remove obstacles to it"

The purpose of this blog isn't to get you to do one particular thing or another.  If that was the case, mindfulness wouldn't be any different than Weight Watchers -- a set of rules to follow -- eat this not that...always ... or you're bad and you fail!

My goal for this blog is to remove obstacles to mindfulness.  For starters, by encouraging you to sign up for the email version of this update, and by setting the email delivery time at 7am, the email should be in your inbox when you arrive at work. 

I don't know for sure but if you are like me, one of the first things you do to start your day is check your inbox to see what has blown up in the 12 hours since you left.  So, if the email is there, there is a greater likelihood you will read it.  If you take the time to read it, you have already made a time investment in our relationship and hopefully I will have said something in the post that gets you thinking about your own eating behaviors.

Maybe I hit just the right note with a post and it flashes to you at some point during the course of your day and you bring your attention to what you are about to eat -- and make some kind of conscious decision about it.

The blog didn't do any of this -- you did.  All the blog did was make it a little easier to keep the idea of mindfulness a little closer to the front of your brain so it could pop up at just the right moment.

Blogs, logs, diets, even coaches .... they don't create action -- you do.  They might remove obstacles but you create the action to get you where you want to be.

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