Monday, January 25, 2010

Chemicaly Altered Diet-Friendly versions of Food

This was a descriptor from Michelle May's new book "Eat What you Love, Love what you Eat.

I was talking to someone the other day who is not fully verse in the whole mindful eating concept. He was telling me about his want to lose a couple pounds -- not many -- just a few. But, his current lifestyle (freewheelin' recent retireree traveling here, there and everywhere) was not supporting his weight loss plans. Bar burgers and fries are not generally considered "diet" foods.

So what are "diet" foods? Who makes up the rules? Honestly, "diet" foods are foods marketed to be just that.

Weightloss shakes are liquid chemicals that will supress your natural appetite -- that isn't as sellable of a concept as "A shake that tastes great and helps you lose weight!" But it doesn't change what it is just because we call it something else.

Protein bars instead of real food -- can it be truly good for you if it has a shelf life longer than a Presidential Term? Food that looks like your grandma might have known what to do with it -- that is the kind of lifestyle I am advocating.

I have said it before -- just because something says it's low fat doesn't mean you can eat as much of it as you want. Does it taste great? I love soda! Just because Coke is laden with high-fructose corn syrup doesn't mean I have to give it up -- I just need to be sensible with how much of it I drink. If you love Luna bars -- you don't need to give them up -- just be aware of how many you are eating in a week. Make sure you balance the things you love that are highly processed with other things you love that are less processed.

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