Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This has been bothering me for a while...

There is the concept many of us hold that we have a "right" to eat whatever we want. While in principle that it true, it doesn't mean that there aren't consequences for overeating.

The Borgess Heart Institute just put out it's next edition of the Light Hearted Living cookbook -- that's cool. All of the recipes have been taste tested and analyzed by dietitians so they meet heart healthy guidelines. But, here's my problem with the whole thing....

The tag line on the promotion stuff is:

"Eat to your Heart's Content."

What this says to me is that the food in this book is heart healthy so I have a free pass -- I can enjoy as much of this heart healthy food as I want and the consequences will be different than if I enjoy as much McDonald's as I want.

Is this actually true? Would the consequences be different?

I don't think so.

If I spend all of my disposable income on a really, really expensive gym membership, wouldn't I still have a problem when faced with an unexpected bill? But...wait...the gym membership being a healthy choice should count for something, right? Well, maybe working out would help me manage the stress of not having any money to pay the unexpected bill but it wouldn't be the best solution for the problem.

Same goes for food -- it is a great thing to be able to eat great tasting, healthier food options. But if you over eat, it doesn't matter what you are over eating on -- it is possible to over eat on carrots! If you are eating when you are not physically hungry -- that is the definition of over eating. We do it all the time -- I just want you aware that there aren't "get out of jail free" foods because they are healthy. Don't let the media tell you different!

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