Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I had this discussion with.....

So, how much holiday food do you still have in your house?

I had this discussion with myself last weekend and with a client and 4 members yesterday. It is time to get the holiday food gone. We have eaten enough cookies, sweets, peanut brittle, chocolates, drank enough soda, etc. It is time to clear things out.

For myself, I still have cookies. I am NOT going to throw them away (they are special once a year cookies and cannot, under any circumstances, be mistreated0. But it is time to get them out of the kitchen freezer and into the garage freezer. There, I will leave them alone for month or so while I detox all of the Christmas sugar out of my system.

And start drinking more water! I know it is cold outside (at least here) and sometimes that makes it hard to drink water. We have to move the sugar out of our systems. If you are getting those sugar cravings (because you have had at least a month with tons of available sugar around the office) drinking water will help you get over the cravings. Just make sure it isn't sugared water. If you don't like plain water, try it flavored with lemon, lime or orange. Or find a tea you like.

It is time to reestablish the things you do well. Once that is done, then move on to one new small change.

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