Monday, September 14, 2009

Stinkin' thinkin'

This morning, I was talking to one of my favorite, positive-attitude coworker (B). B had just given me a book (Virus of the Mind by Richard Brodie). I was talking to B about the premise of the book and am very excited to read it. Part of the premise, as I understand it, is to recognize there are thoughts we carry around in our head accepting them as truth that may or may not, upon closer examination, be true. And these thoughts can limit us in what we can accomplish.

B categorized these thoughts as "Stinkin' Thinkin'". Apt, no?

So -- What thoughts about your eating habits, who you are, what your genetics are doing to you, what you are capable of, etc can be classified as "stinkin' thinkin'"? --things that are not true and just make you feel darned bad or doom you to failure before you even start out.

Keep an ear open for the thoughts you tell yourself -- if you can shift your perspective away from stinkin' to something that sets you up for success -- your life will be better for it and you won't even need to pay a co-pay for it.

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