Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Paradigm shift

From Virus of the Mind:

Every so often, the work of science experiences something called a paradigm shift. That happens when one of the basic, underlying assumptions we've been living with changes, such as when we shifted from looking at the universe as revolving around the earth to the earth revolving around the sun. Another shift occurred when Einstein discovered the relationships between space and time and between energy and matter. Each of these paradigm shifts took some time to penetrate the scientific community and even longer to become accepted by the general public.

Because understanding this new science involves a significant change in the way people think about the mind and culture, it has been difficult for them to grasp...

The trick to learning a new paradigm is to set aside your current one while you're learning rather than attempt to fit the new knowledge into your existing model. It won't fit!

So the first question for a person struggling with the practice of eating mindfully is:

Are you willing to set aside your current paradigm (with all of its self-knowledge and prejudices) to explore a new one (mindful eating)?

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