Monday, July 20, 2009

What should I eat? What should I eat? What should I eat?

Is a salad a better choice than a hamburger? What about a taco salad? But I really want a hamburger? Better just have the salad.

Americans eat more and enjoy it less than Europeans. Americans are fatter than Europeans. Why?

Maybe it is because we spend so much time thinking about what we should eat and not enough time about what would really taste great.

If you could eat anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? How much of it would you have to eat to be completely satisfied?

Let's say chocolate cake is the thing that sounds the best for dinner tonight. Let's say you give yourself permission to eat chocolate cake for dinner. Now, not dinner and then chocolate cake -- we are talking about cake being dinner. How much would you eat?

One of the ways clients eat too much is by trying to eat what they "should" eat so that then they can eat whatever it is they want to eat. This leads to lots of extra calories consumed.

If you are going to a restaurant that has great steak (and you love their steak) but you are not enthralled with their salads -- don't eat the salad! Chances are you are not so nutrient deprived that missing this salad with malnourish you. The calories saved will still move you towards your weight loss goal.

Remember: If you are not enjoying it -- don't eat it.

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