Friday, October 23, 2009

Do something Friday

Do you want a piece of cake or just some peace?

For a great many of us, food is the quick-fix comfort. Stressed?? Have a cookie. Bored? A soda. Lonely? A pizza. Ice cream. Pasta. A piece of cake. It is the way our culture works, but is it working for you?

Break the pattern of going to food for comfort. It doesn't solve the problem -- it just numbs the discomfort (in the short term) and leaves you feeling guilty after that.

Need an outlet to figure out what you are feeling? Try journeling. Or blogging! It is amazing how liberating it can be to get your feelings out of your head. It might not solve the problem but it can create enough space for you to figure out what is really getting to you.

Running to food is not working for you!! If it was, you wouldn't be reading this blog! Try something new. It doesn't have to be the perfect thing. It just needs to be something that may work better than running to food.

Deal with the root cause of your overeating and you won't overeat.

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