Monday, October 12, 2009

What story are you telling?

I have a couple favorite marketing blogs (gapingvoid -- don't you just love the name? and Seth Godin's) and one thing they have in common is how much they talk about the story a product is trying to relay. Successfully marketed products have compelling stories people like to share. (Think Harley Davidson or Coke -- "Open Happiness"? really?)

Now, the great thing about smart marketing is they tap into how people think -- so it pays to listen to what they have to say.

So it begs the question -- What story are you telling -- to yourself and to others?

Are you telling yourself you are a healthy, successful person who is being proactive with your weight management? Or....are you telling yourself you would like to be successful but for whatever reason, you can't (genetics...too busy...hate to workout -- so obviously I can't lose weight...I have always been big -- ask my mom...etc).

Are you willing to sell those stories over and over to yourself? Is that the story you want to reinforce?

If you don't like how this story is working for you -- change the story. Words and stories matter -- especially the ones you tell yourself. Create a story where you are the hero (or heroine). Keep your mind focused on living that healthy story. Elevate your expectations for yourself. You are capable of this. You are strong. You make positive decisions (one at a time) for yourself. You are on a journey -- one stride at a time. You can.

Just because you have before -- doesn't mean you can't now -- because you are trying something different. Because you are learning about how to be mindful. To figure out what you want and work towards that goal. To use the skills that helped you acheive success in all of the other areas of your life -- for your health and positive weight management.

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