Friday, May 28, 2010

Do something Friday

I was trying to come up with a snappier blog than this for today but this seemed worth talking about. 

I realized I should probably give up cheese sticks.

Okay-- just so we're on the same page -- you know what I am talking about, right?  Those prepackaged mozzarella sticks?  There isn't anything wrong with them.  I like the flavor.  But here's the deal --

They are too convenient.  I can stuff it in my work bag, eat it anywhere, walk and talk with it.  (and did I mention that it can be gone in 2 bites without the flavor even registering with me??)  Although they aren't very calorically expensive, they  don't even put a dent in my hunger and their convenience makes it really easy to eat them without being mindful.

An alternative to the cheese stick could be a slice of fresh mozzarella.  It's wet, heavy, and messy.  I can't eat it (well, I could but it would be more messy) while I am driving in my car.  I would have to cut it and put it into some kind of packaging so it requires more thought. 

I know it's not a very big deal -- but that is what mindfulness is all about:  eliminating the calories that don't add value to your life.  Cheese sticks are like that for me.  They are good ( in the quiet, eat it and be done with it kind of way) but they definitely don't knock my socks off.  So...I should probably make them less convenient for me at my house.

It's Friday -- so what about you?  Which foods are your convenient foods that don't knock your socks off?  Which ones should you be making less conveniently available because they lead you down the road of unmindfulness???

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