Sunday, May 30, 2010

When food isn't what you really want....

I didn't plan ahead for the holiday weekend.  No excuses -- I knew I wanted to post today -- I just didn't make it happen early.  So here I am, out of town, sitting on a wonderful coffee shop full of goodies, listening to Joe Jackson.  To be able to get the WiFi I desperately needed to reach you, it required I purchase something.  (Full confession...I am writing Sunday at 4:09p)  I have been on the beach all day and enjoyed.  Dinner is going to be burgers on the grill (yeh!) and I still have a couple hours but I am not hungry now.  Definitely at 456 moment.  I need to buy something (to take home?  Yeah, right.)  So...What to chose???

They have great looking cookie -- Granola!  YUM!  (and a Coke.  Just to make sure they give me enough time to write)

Not hungry.  The cookie looks great.  Tastes good.  Not as good as it would if I were actually hungry but still....

The upside of this?  I have gotten my blog reading and blog writing almost done and my cookie isn't.  I have made a conscious effort to appreciate the texture (bumpy and the right amount soft and crispy) and to appreciate the colors (oatmeal and cranberries) and the fizziness of the Coke.  But most of it will go in the trash when I leave (because really..what did I pay for?  Internet access -- not food)  Worth enjoying the experience but not filling up on it.

So -- what about you?  The next time you find yourself out and about -- coffee with a friend, dinner with clients, cake for a coworker -- and you realize food is not what you want right now, are you ready to not fill up on it?  Are you ready to let those calories go even though they taste pretty good or possibly even really good?  Are you prepared to recognize food isn't what you are paying for -- that food isn't what you really want right now???

Happy Memorial Day!!!!

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