Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Last night I was hungry -- and lazy --  and didn't want to get up from where I was and go to the kitchen to make something to eat because I was tired.

It got me thinking that sometimes we forget what hunger is.  Hunger is your body telling you it needs calories right now -- otherwise, it is going to have to take energy out of storage to meet its needs.

If you are trying to lose weight, you are going to need to feel hunger (at least once in a while) and make peace with the feeling. I am not talking about being so starving you are going to fall over or hungry enough to feel sick -- we are talking about being willing to let yourself feel hunger and not do anything to change it.

I read somewhere recently that Americans would rather deal with the long-term discomfort of being overweight than feel the short-term discomfort of hunger.  Why is that?  What does hunger feel like to you?  Could a level 3 hunger become the comforting feeling that you are losing weight?

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