Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is it you really want out of life?

Over the last year or so, I have been reading a lot about Social Media and the new model emerging for business.  Now, it might just be the authors I have been drawn to but it seems to me there are a lot of people out there talking about doing what you love.  Both in the professional and personal sense, it seems that there is a new emphasis on passion for life.

It has really inspired me because, honestly, I love!!! most of what I get to do in a day.  Sure, there are thing on my to-do list that I have to just gut through but for the most part, I like going to work.  And then I like leaving work and going home to do the things I get to do there, too.

I don't think this just happens.  And I don't think I am particularly lucky in the sense that some how passion for what I get to do was just conferred on me through no effort on my part.  Maybe part of it is luck (or the Universe or God or whatever) and part of it is being willing to look up from the day to day tasks and see if there is something out there that I should be working toward.  (and there almost always is ... and there is almost always an uncomfortable feeling that accompanies that realization)

So what makes your heart sing?  What do you want to create today (and don't tell me you're too busy to think about this or create something today -- we're all busy)?  And here's why it is important to your eating habits and weight:

Most of us eat recreationally.  We do it because we're bored, angry, anxious, we're feeling uninspired.  Those are not healthy reasons to eat!!

If you are getting inspiration from other areas of your life, we a) won't have time and b) won't have the inclination to misguidedly search for inspiration from food -- you will be charged up on your new project (whatever that is). 

It's worth a try, don't you think?  It's summer -- the time for trying something new, making changes, making plans, living life.  But you have to start today -- because right now is all you're sure you'll get.

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