Friday, February 11, 2011

Do something Friday

Take three breaths before you eat anything.

This is my task for you this weekend.  We all know how important deep breathing is -- it relaxes you immediately.  It provides more oxygen to your body -- which will allow you to think more clearly (important when you're starting to eat, right?)

Three deep slow breaths will also set the tone for your eating speed.  Again, this is important because the slower you eat, the fewer calories you will eat in the 20 minutes it takes to start feeling full.

There isn't any downside to consciously breathing before you eat.  I am relatively sure that the above makes sense to you in principle. But have you come up with reasons this strategy won't work for you yet???

We are all really good at rationalizing why simple ideas like this won't work.  I have had people tell me their lunch period is only 20 minutes so they can't possibly take the time to eat more slowly.  Right.....really?  Are you telling me that the 4 seconds you take to breath and relax is going to make that much of a time crunch for you?

What really is happening with most people who throw up roadblocks at this point is that they are uncomfortable with the idea of waiting to eat for the 3 breaths.  They don't want to slow down because it goes against their training to eat as they are capable of in their time-scarce lunch period.
How do you feel when you start to eat -- calm, rushed, flustered, numb???  Click the comments button below this post and let's talk about it!

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