Friday, February 25, 2011

Do something Friday

Chasing healthy.

Those of you that follow me on Twitter (@Kristi_EC) may have seen this tweet yesterday:

RT @DonHunt3: McD's oatmeal has more sugar than a Snickers, only 10 fewer calories than cheeseburger or Egg McMuffin.

Oatmeal with more sugar than a candy bar!  So...tell me, is that "healthy"?  We are getting so many conflicting messages from our world.  Our media is telling us what is healthy (think protein bars, energy drinks -- things that people living 100 years ago wouldn't even consider food...let alone healthy).

Science is telling us what's healthy -- butter, then margarine and not butter, to back to butter.  Not iceberg lettuce and then ....sure enough, iceberg lettuce is nutritious.  Eggs, then absolutely no eggs, then maybe it's okay to have some eggs.

You can eat a restaurant salad thinking it's a better choice than the steak and baked potato you really want, only to find out there were more calories and fat in the salad.

It's disheartening!!  Especially when you are giving up the foods you love in favor of the foods that are "healthier" only to find out that they really aren't!

How do you make your food choices?  Are they based on science?  Your preferences?  Or what you can eat the greatest volume of without feeling super guilty?

Science doesn't understand the complex interactions food has in one body -- let alone all of our individual bodies.  I'm not saying you should completely stop listening to what you are being told are healthy eating choices -- just to evaluate them and see if they make sense to you.

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