Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Do you care enough to pick yourself?

The question isn’t whether or not you should wait to be picked, the question is whether you care enough to pick yourself. --Seth Godin

Ever heard yourself or someone else day "That lucky ______.   That should have been me!"

I think it's odd that we've grown up with the notion that we need to wait to be picked.  Picked for the kickball team.  Picked for the dance.  Picked for the right job, right promotion, the right school.....

Maybe it's time to stop waiting to be picked.  Waiting for someone to pick you to help.  Waiting for Bob  to show up at your house.

Maybe it's time to pick yourself.  Spend your time (and your money) on picking people who can help you to get where you want to go.  That's what Oprah does (and yes....I know she's Oprah with an Oprah sized wallet but my point is still valid).

Maybe today is the day you need to pick yourself for your team first.  You're not the add-on to an all-star cast  -- you are the star!.

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