Thursday, December 3, 2009

What does it take to be a successful Eating Coach client?

I was reading Seth Godin this morning and the subject matter was how to be a great client.  It reminded me of several years ago when I started writing a New Friend's Owners Manual for myself (you know -- codifying all of the things a new friend should know about me and my particular quirks).  I didn't get very far on the project and never gave it to anyone.  But it was a very good exercise for rediscovering myself.

So this mornings post reading made me connect my project with my clients and how it might be helpful to them to understand what I am going to ask them to do. goes...

To be a successful Eating Coach client, you need to:
1. Be willing to suspend your judgment -- of yourself, of new ideas, of your past and your future.
2. Be willing to set aside every bit of dieting advice/knowledge/urban legend you have ever heard.
3. Be willing to pick up and examine each of the #2 to see if each of those fits you and the way to want to live.
4. Be willing to listen to your body.
5. Be willing to work with your body -- not beat it into the shape you (and very likely someone else) thinks it should be.
6. Be willing to look for and celebrate the small victories.
7. Be willing to change how you approach eating  -- just because you have always done it one way doesn't mean it works for you.
8. Creatively and honestly problem solve with me.

That's it.  Openness, honesty (with yourself and with me), creativity.  That is all it takes to lose weight and enjoy your food, your body, and your life more.  That is the path I want to help you get started on and openness, honesty and creativity pave the way.

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