Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ruthless assessments

I got my "corporate wellness check up" today. I have earned 50 point (out of 450) for agreeing to get my BMI calculated, having a non-fasting cholesterol and blood sugar test and letting them take my blood pressure.

Good news: The tests came out fine.

Bad news: They aren't as fine as last year. I am not an over-achiever any more. Crud!

Now I am all in a crank because I am not where I think I should be -- total cholesterol is up (probably diet related) and HDLs (good cholesterol) is down (probably because I am not exercising as much as I was last year. Double negative!

The upside to the down news: this has lit a competitive fire under me. Where I have tended, as of late, to rest on the laurels of "I am healthy enough", I now have proof that I am not where I want to be -- and it is within my control to get myself there.

This is motivating to me.

What motivates you? What can push you to make better decisions for yourself?

When the chips are down, what is going to motivate me to get out for a run before work when the day will be too busy to fit one in later? Cholesterol numbers.

What will motivate you to put down your fork a couple bites earlier? Is it being able to write in your journal that you ate to an 8? Is that the gold star you need? Would it help being able to tell your success to someone?

Figure out what really motivates you. What beckons from the other side of the finish line? Use it to get you through the tough decisions.

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