Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Helm

The following is a thought I ran across this morning.  It came from Productiveflourishing and was specifically talking about something else but ... like so many other thoughts I come across, I find this one too apropos to not pass it along to you.

"Rather than running around the ship worrying about what will happen, grab the helm and get it through the storm.

p.s. It’s okay to run around the ship for a bit, just as it’s okay to let it coast. The point is to know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it."

You can't sail a ship one day, let it drift for the next and expect to get where your going by the third if it is a three day trip under sail.  Auto pilot doesn't get you to your weight loss goals -- it gets you to your current weight.  Don't worry about your weight -- grab the helm and get through the storm.
Photo credit: MackieKLew via Productiveflourishing

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