Friday, September 17, 2010

Do something Friday

Months ago, a friend called to tell me she had just seen an interview with Geneen Roth about a new book she just published.  The friend told me, based on the interview, I should go down to the bookstore (right then!!) and buy this book.  (Which I didn't do because I had eight other books on my shelf to read first).

That was last March.  Since then, Oprah has read Geneen's book.  I have mentioned a client's comment about the book here.  But I still hadn't read it.

Over the course of the last couple weeks, several people have mentioned the book and last week I finally went over to Barnes and Noble and bought it. 

The title of the book is Women Food and God --an unexpected path to almost everything.

Normally, I wouldn't rave about a book -- honestly, there are only a very select number of books worth a true rave but this is one of them.  Geneen relates her story and the story of her clients in a way that is accessible to all.  Truly, the having the word women in the title should not make men this this book is not for them -- it is a story of our time -- The use of food to separate us from ourselves so we do not have to feel all of the uncomfortable feelings life is full of .

I can guarantee you will relate to this book.  It will make you think about your weight in a new way -- it underscores my repeated refrain "Weight isn't the problem -- it is a symptom of the problem".

This weekend, go out and buy this book.  Start reading it and tell me what you think -- I can't wait to read your thoughts!

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