Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Celebrating the absence of Hunger

When was the last time you celebrated not being hungry? I am definitely not talking about celebrating being full -- I am talking about the gift you have to be able to feel hunger and then get something to eat -- from your fridge/vending machine/drive-thru/grocery store/desk drawer/ co worker's desk drawer/etc. And then to actually NOTICE when that you are not hungry anymore?

I am not sure I know anyone right now who is hungry by necessity. There is a group of people who work very had to deliver backpacks full of food for the weekend to kids who, without the backpack, would be hungry over the weekend. The group delivers hundreds of backpacks to my district's schools each week (and that was last year -- what about this year?)-- so the hungry walk among us. But I am not one of those people. When I am hungry, I will eat or not but it will be my choice, not because I have no other options.

I have said (and I really mean) I enjoy food. I enjoy the social that comes from eating with others. When have you eaten 200 calories (think cup of yogurt or an apple and a piece of toast) and celebrated (or even noticed for that matter) that you are no longer hungry. You started hungry but now feeling is gone and you are moving on.

Something to think about this week -- being grateful you are lucky to have enough and that you do not need to go to bed without.

I hear people talking about being overweight all of the time but I do not hear them acknowledging that it is because they are so blessed that they have the privilege overweight.

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