Friday, February 19, 2010

Do something Friday

"Desires often run our lives. Understand them and learn to seek pleasures that enhance your sense of well-being." --Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad

What if you knew what would enhance your sense of well-being? Are you even sure you know what well-being means for you?

If our well-being was ultimate yard stick to measure our decisions (eating and everything else) -- that would open up time for brownie sundaes -- but I bet we would also choose to eat smaller sundaes because that would make our sense if well-being increase too.

I bet many of us would find that we don't like how much we worry about what we eat -- putting so much energy into which low-fat/low-carb whatever would be the best alternative for what we really want to eat.

This weekend-- take some time -- think about your well-being. If you could arrange the perfect sense of fitting into your skin, what would that feel like to you. Right now, don't worry about how you are going to get there -- just figure out how it would feel.

Dream big, my friend and see all of the possibilities open to you.

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