Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's Better than Zero?

I was looking for blog inspiration. One place I turn that consistently produces inspirations, is Tribes.

I started reading about Gary Vaynerchuk, who, according to the Casebook, ran a multi-million dollar wine company. And who left the company to build a video blog. And that blog had 80,000 viewers each day in a little over a year. Wow!

The author of the Casebook study goes on to say the way he did this was by being passionate about the blog he was creating (obviously the man had something to say!). Gary says the key to starting anything is the "better than zero" philosophy. Stop analyzing and start doing because anything is better than doing nothing.

So --- in the spirit of the 3rd week in February (for those of you who don't know -- it is fairly common knowledge in the world of exercise professionals that most New Year's Resolutions to improve exercise/eating behaviors have fallen by the wayside by now) I am going to endorse this idea:

Better than zero

To stop gaining is better than to keep gaining.

To cut back to 9 mindless eating episode is better than mindlessly eating 10 times.

Cutting back 2 bites per day is better than eating them when you don't really want them.

Choosing to really experience your food at one meal is better than not really experiencing anything all day.

All of these are better than not doing anything and staying on a path that isn't working for you. It may take you a little longer (hey -- this blog isn't getting 80,000 hits per day but you are here right now!) Moving forward is still moving forward -- even if it isn't at as quick of a speed as we really want.

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