Friday, February 5, 2010

Which Diet will save you???

This idea is totally pirated from Seth Godin -- so if you want to read the kernel that started this post, click here.

The diet to save our nation. The Surgeon General just published a report full of facts and statistics and her vision that tell us....nothing new.

We, as a nation, are overweight and under active. We are busy and stressed and worried about our economy, burgeoning health care costs, childhood obesity, healthy food options, the list is endless. And how do we cope?

We keep ourselves busy -- watching TV, working long hours, complaining we are tired, eating to numb the nervousness we feel in ourselves, berating ourselves because we know we should be going to the gym but we just don't feel like it.

We buy and try diet systems, we spend a great amount of our energy making mental lists of all the things we "should be doing" and invest more time in listing all of the ways we are not living up to those lists.

Here's the deal.

No diet will save you. NO diet will give you energy for the rest of your life. Diets are artificial constructs -- and you are a Real person. You need Real ways to manage your weight.

You have to opportunity to change the world by changing your life -- today -- right now. Change one small decision about how you are going to eat. Clue into taste, texture, aroma -- clue into how you are choosing to spend your calories. Once you see there are plenty of choices to be made during the day (people average 250 food choices a day), you will see opportunities to eat less that don't leave you feeling deprived. They will actually increase your sense of well-being because you can finally feel like you are being successful with some of those "should do" lists.

Health care costs, childhood obesity, the economy, healthy food options, and your stress level will take care of themselves if you start to make changes in your relationship with food.

If you need help -- just ask.

Otherwise: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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