Monday, February 15, 2010

Life is a journey

Sometimes, in life, you wake up one morning and realize that you are not where you would like to be. Like setting out on a trip without a detailed map, we take a wrong turn or two and end heading in a direction that isn't going to get us to our chosen destination. Once we've realized this, we have a couple options:

1.Decide you might not have picked the best driving path up front and keep going in your current direction because maybe there is a shortcut right around the next corner that is going to get you to where you want to go.

2. Freak out because you have just realized your heading in the wrong direction; assume you will never be able to get to your destination. Hop out of the car, pick it up and through it on your back, and start running to your destination blaming your car for taking you to some place you don't want to be.

3.Stop and ask for directions. Take a breather and start driving in a new direction at a safe speed to get you to your destination of choice.

To me choice number 1 very rarely is successful -- if you knew where you wanted to go and couldn't find the right roads, how are you going to recognize the magic shortcut -- if there even is one.

Choice #2 doesn't make sense because you aren't going to get very far carrying your car (ie drastic diets that make your body lose weight but not in a healthy, life building way).

But choice 3 seems sensible to me. Take stock of where you are, reassess where you want to be, get directions if you need some and proceed at a pace that will get you there safely.

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