Monday, March 8, 2010

Just read another manifesto from Seth Godin...

It is called Brainwashed. He goes off on a number of things, so if you are interested in a good rant today, click on over :)

The point I want to make is to highlight his steps for reinventing oneself:

Here are seven levers available for anyone (like you) in search of reinvention:
1. Connect
2. Be generous
3. Make art
4. Acknowledge the lizard
5. Ship
6. Fail
7. Learn

Some of them are pretty straight forward. Connect -- as in with people but also with yourself.

Be generous. It is very difficult to be generous and judgmental at the same time.

Make art -- you should read his definition -- for me to get it right would mean pirating his whole page -- in essence, what you are creating within yourself as you become more mindful -- that is the art I am talking about. Something unique and all your own.

Acknowledge the lizard -- as in the lizard brain. We all deal with fear every day. How we handle that fear makes all the difference -- do you know what you are afraid of???

Ship -- this is the one he gets me with all the time. Shipping is making something happen. Turning out a product -- everyday. (You are the product we are talking about here)

Fail -- it is going to happen -- you will not perform some days like you think you should. If you are not failing, you are living in the very center of your comfort zone and there is very little personal growth happening. Don't be afraid to fail.

Learn -- about yourself, about then environment that effects you, about the people around you. Make a point to learn something everyday. In almost every session with a client, I ask them what they have learned about themselves this week. In every journal entry there is a spot to write down what you have learned about yourself today. Give it some thought -- what are you going to learn today?

All 7 don't need to be done in one day -- just give it some thought and see if any of them apply to you.

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