Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Keep it Up!

Sometimes life can feel like is it conspiring against your best efforts to help yourself. You know how that goes, every time you are all set to cook at home, your meetings run late and you end up grabbing a bite at some fast food place because now your schedule is all behind.

And then there are those times where the loved ones in your life don't seem to be supporting you in your effort to manage your weight. That hurts! You know that they don't really mean to do it, but still -- can't they see how hard you are working to make these changes???

This is the time that I see many of my clients flounder. Not getting the support you feel you should from those who love you best can throw off your internal compass.

Don't let it.

Yes, I know it is hard. But keep in mind that nobody cares about your experience in this world as much as you do. That's not to say they don't care at all -- You know they do and they care a lot! Just not as much as you because they don't live in your body 24/7.

So don't let your perception of their lack of support cause you to get off track. You can do it -- and you are the ONLY person that can do it for you!!

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