Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What's up?

What's the first thing you think of when someone asks you this question? Are you looking for the positives in your life? If I asked you "What's up?" with your eating this weekend, could you come up with 6 decisions you made that you could feel good about?

If you've never done it before, I bet it would be a challenge (I have asked to clients multiple times-- at first they struggle to find something they can feel positive about). With practice, people get good at seeing the positive choices they are making. Notice what you are doing well and you can inspire yourself to do more of that.

We average 150 food related decisions per day -- surely there were more than 6 last weekend that were great. The question is, Can you name them???  (Seriously, take the time...right now...come up with as many as you can and comment them back to me!)

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